Greg Gig

How to Save Money: 50 Tips for Frugal Living

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1524201774
EAN 9781524201777
Veröffentlicht März 2016
Verlag/Hersteller wlsbooks
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

About the book:
Does your financial future look bleak? Do you struggle to build your savings, and keep your finances in check? Well, you are not the only one with prodigal habits. A lot of people make poor financial choices that end up costing them a great deal. If you want to prevent yourself from making any big mistake, you must read "How to Save Money: 50 Tips for Frugal Living". Written by financial advisor Greg Gig, this book is the go-to guide that is designed you make you a pro in money management. With this book in your hand, you can bid goodbye to financial ruts for good!
Summary of the book:
In today's tough economic times, efficient financial management is highly crucial. But it is not an easy thing to do. Most people end up spending more than they earn. This can lead to serious problems in the long run. "How to Save Money" is the ultimate financial guide that helps you to understand various aspects of money management.
In this book you will find:
- A detailed introduction to financial intelligence and what it means
- Thorough evaluation of your income
- Understanding your needs
- Proper planning for the future
- Motivation to stick to the plan
...And ultimately 50 effective tips on frugal living
If you are feeling like your spending habits are getting in the way of a financially stable future, you must read this book.
Order your copy today!


Greg Gig is a financial expert and an author. After working as a financial advisor for companies, Greg decided to start helping individuals. He has helped numerous clients better shape their finances and their lives. Greg now writes books on various financial topics to reach out to more people. His books have garnered positive reviews.

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