Harker McNair

Super Serial

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798989033621
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2023
Verlag/Hersteller Harker McNair
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Exiled Corporate Marshal Ziglar Ghostshade is haunted by the lingering spirit of his murdered husband, Gio. Unable to bring himself to keep the promise he made to spread Gio's ashes on Ipanema beach, he passes his time committing identity theft and inhaling grief-donuts at Sweet Sally's Bakery. Caught in the crossfire of debt and notoriety, Ziggy's world spirals out of control when his possessions, including Gio's ashes, are confiscated by District DipShip's audacious new CEO, Alexia Ito.
Cornered by Alexia's cunning manipulation, Ziggy is blackmailed into assembling a team of serial killers for the outlandish Super Serial competition, a corporate-sponsored sporting event that pits murderers against each other in a battle to the death.
Armed with an eclectic ensemble including administrative marvel, Pepper Devoux, resident eccentric analyst, Floyd McNut, and the unforgettable forgettable security guard, Joe, Ziggy sets out on a dangerous mission to catch the killers before time runs out and he loses Gio forever. Together, Ziggy and his motley crew must navigate a world of corporate intrigue, explosive encounters, and deadly investigations, where orchestrated deathmatches are the norm, and serial killers aren't the only villains.
Set against the backdrop of a corporate dystopia run amok, Super Serial is a dark comedy thriller that reveals the power of friendship, the pursuit of justice, and the unrelenting spirit of resilience in the face of outrageous odds.

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