Hrishikesh Goswami

The Sesquipedalian Notion

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798201283360
Veröffentlicht Mai 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Hrishikesh Goswami
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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As the very name suggests 'THE SESQUIPEDALIAN NOTION' is a very protracted thought which starts and ends only with humanity. And if anyone tries to interpose it gets even more dishevelled and intricate. Poetry is only a way of venting things which by other means can't be. To unveil what this long thought is about readers have to dive into this notion so called THE SESQUIPEDALIAN NOTION.
Hrishikesh Goswami (India Book of Records Holder for Poetry) (Recipient of India Prime Top 100 Author Award 2022) (Recipient of India Star Icon Award 2022) (Creative Endeavour of the Month April 2021 by The Assam Tribune) is a Contemporary Naturalistic poet from Assam, India who specializes in writing about nature and realism coalescing fiction and non -fiction in a sophisticated blend. Hrishikesh's poems have been critically analysed by Fruit Journal Manchester (UK), Acorn (A journal of contemporary haiku), The Leading Edge Magazine, BreakBread Magazine and has been published by The Assam Tribune's Horizon and Planet Young, NEZINE (An online magazine), Noverse Foundation and FoxGales Publishers, Poem hunter-The World's Poetry Archive, Guwahati Grand Poetry Festival, Blue Lake Review, Indian Poetry Review, Cultural Reverence and many more (see inside).


Hrishikesh Goswami (India Book of Records Holder for Poetry) (Recipient of India Prime Top 100 Author Award 2022) (Recipient of India Star Icon Award 2022) (Recipient of The Leading Attainers Award 2022) (Creative Endeavour of the Month April 2021 by The Assam Tribune) is a Contemporary Naturalistic poet from Assam, India who specializes in writing about nature and realism coalescing fiction and non -fiction in a sophisticated blend. Hrishikesh's poems have been critically analysed by Fruit Journal Manchester (UK), Acorn (A journal of contemporary haiku), The Leading Edge Magazine, BreakBread Magazine and has been published by The Assam Tribune's Horizon and Planet Young, NEZINE (An online magazine), Noverse Foundation and FoxGales Publishers, Poem hunter-The World's Poetry Archive, Guwahati Grand Poetry Festival, Blue Lake Review, Indian Poetry Review, Cultural Reverence and many more.

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