Jared N. Michaud


Energematrice6 - The Epimyth Begins. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1636982697
EAN 9781636982694
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Morgan James YA Fiction

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“Only the void is content to wait in peace.”
Brightstar is the beginning of an epic space adventure that introduces readers to Nate, a boy desperate to escape the prison of an ordinary life made unbearable by his autism. When he is unexpectedly transported to another universe, Nate's perceived disability is transformed into a near superpower.
In the Aurora Galaxy, where his arrival has been prophesied for thousands of years, Nate finds the weight of expectations difficult to bear. After being greeted by an ancient ally, Nate begins gathering a misfit group of “odds” from every corner of the universe. Nate's odyssey, which starts in the most prestigious school in civilization, will end battling monsters from the darkest imaginations of an ancient, captive Earth.
Coping with greater and greater adversity, Nate finds himself confronted by enemies who all seem to be connected in suspicious ways. In the end, Nate must stand before the Lightmaker Himself, who sent Nate to the Aurora Galaxy in the first place.
Brightstar is the beginning of a myth in the tradition of authors like C.S. Lewis, written to introduce young people to the most important stories and values of Western Civilization. Rich language and an epic story provide the backdrop for an exciting, yet thoughtful space fantasy.


Jared N. Michaud is a devoted fiction writer driven by a passion for writing that began before he reached age seven. Influenced by literary giants like C.S. Lewis and Orson Scott Card, he discovered the transformative power of storytelling, and at twelve he began crafting his first novel.
Today, Jared writes from a little house in a little town near Cheyenne, Wyoming, where he lives with his wife and six children. As a Christian with a deep love for the truth and appreciation for the values that underlie Western civilization, he endeavors to create myths that inspire future generations.

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