Jason Halstead


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1536520373
EAN 9781536520378
Veröffentlicht August 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Novel Concept Publishing LLC
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Voidhawk is the first book in an space fantasy series blending swords, sorcery, and travel through the void between worlds. It's wooden ships in space, read on and experience a multi-verse of new delights!
Too young and naïve to care about the tensions between nations, Dexter Silvercloud considered himself the luckiest man alive when he found a derelict voidship hidden amongst some asteroids. Making it void-worthy and finding a crew to sail it seem like minor problems when he ends up in a Federation prison.
Rotting in a communal cell, Dexter's luck shows a fickle side when a mysterious elven woman is thrust into into his life. Helping her fend off an assault Dexter quickly learns that her mind and her tongue are weapons against which he has little defense. Unable to resist, he hires her at the first opportunity.
Surviving both politics, sorcery, and even ancient curses will force the growing crew of the Voidhawk to put aside their differences and work together. What remains for the young captain is the lessons of when to heed his mind, and when to heed his heart.
Look for the continuing adventures of the Voidhawk:
Book 1: Voidhawk
Book 2: Voidhawk - The Elder Race
Book 3: Voidhawk - Redemption
Book 4: Voidhawk - The White Lady
Book 5: Voidhawk - Lost Soul
Book 6: Voidhawk - The City at the Edge of Forever
Book 7: Voidhawk - Broken Shards
Book 8 : Voidhawk - Fallen Goddess


Jason Halstead has always had colorful stories to tell. At an early age that creativity usually resulted in some kind of punishment. At long last he's come into his own and has turned his imagination into an asset that is keeping thousands of people entertained.
When he's not writing Jason spends his time with his wife and two children, trying to relive his glory days as a powerlifter, or developing new IT systems for his dayjob.
He enjoys reading and responding to fan mail as well, so if you liked any of his books, don't be shy! Sign up for his newsletter, find him on the web at http://www.booksbyjason.com, email him at: jason@booksbyjason.com, or follow him on Twitter: @booksbyjason.

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