Jason O'Neil


ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 90 Seiten
ISBN 172836776X
EAN 9781728367767
Veröffentlicht Juli 2020
Verlag/Hersteller AuthorHouse

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In this novel, Matt Flynn and his wife Heather, an aeronautical engineer, fulfill a decade-long dream of developing a commercial aircraft capable of hypersonic speed of Mach 5. At 3,570 MPH twenty-six passengers fly from New York to Dubai in about three hours.
The Flynn's business partner in the venture is Prince Yousif Latif of Dubai. This entrepreneurial team has developed several novel craft and even small island democracies called Micronations. The billionaires gainfully apply Flynn's invention of the Red Box antigravity device. This device solves the fundamental flaw in other competing designs, too much weight and fuel which, like Europe's famous Concorde, created an unprofitable enterprise.
Matt Flynn, the former President of the United States, who successfully steered America away from being a Socialist State via A Necessary Coup, finally has time to devote to the development of his Hypersonica. As such, the reader is treated to a step-by-step description of advanced airframe development. Working with his partner companies, Boeing, Mercedes Benz and Airbus, the consortium develops both a commercial and a stealthy military version over four years.
In the end, the entrepreneur/inventor/Ex-President rides on the Maiden Flight as a present on his 80th birthday. The Flynns and the Prince have created another billion-dollar success story, this time because of the unmet demand for reducing time in the sky.


JASON O'NEIL retired after a 35-year career selling spacecraft-based systems around the world. He has published ten books with AuthorHouse. This first book, Bald Eagle Vision, is a treatise on how to balance the U.S. Federal Budget. He wrote a trilogy about The Red Box antigravity device. In one book, Sinecure, he portrays a Congressman milking the public while providing no value to America. Mr. O'Neil lives in Annapolis, Maryland and is active in the community.

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