Jill Mansell

Fast Friends

ebook Ausgabe. None. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0755351886
EAN 9780755351886
Veröffentlicht Februar 2008
Verlag/Hersteller Review
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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FAST FRIENDS is a warm and funny romantic novel from Sunday Times bestselling author Jill Mansell. For fans of Lucy Diamond, Cathy Kelly and Marian Keyes.
When the chips are down, who better to turn to then your oldest friends? When bored housewife and mother Camilla Stewart impulsively invites her old schoolchums for dinner she hardly imagines that the evening will shatter her comfortable existence. But Roz Vallender and Loulou Marks are no ordinary guests. Roz, stunning and self-assured, is notorious as a TV presenter and superbitch, whilst the reckless Loulou owns Vampires, the trendiest wine bar in town. Horrified to discover that husband Jack has been playing around, Camilla determines to make some changes. With a little help from her friends she soon finds out that life in the fast lane is a lot more fun and the future still holds plenty of surprises.
What readers are saying about Fast Friends:
'I am a huge lover of Jill Mansell books but this has to be her best to date. I enjoyed savouring every moment of it' Amazon reviewer, 5 stars
'The tangled web of relationships within the book are so much fun to read about, that the book becomes just impossible to put down!' Amazon reviewer, 5 stars
'Loved this book from start to finish... funny, sad, agonising, teasing and touching' Amazon reviewer, 5 stars


Jill Mansell

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