Joanna Kujawa

The Other Goddess

Mary Magdalene and the Goddesses of Eros and Secret Knowledge. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 264 Seiten
ISBN 1945026855
EAN 9781945026850
Veröffentlicht April 2022
Verlag/Hersteller Haniel Press
10,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Is there a lineage of goddesses that claims the evolutionary power of female sexuality? And if so, why were they pushed to the shadows and demeaned as harlots? Was Mary Magdalene one of them, and what were her teachings?
Dr. Joanna Kujawa argues that in the process of recovering the healing power of the Goddess we have focused solely on the mother archetype and left out the other Goddess, who is often represented in mythical, historical, and Gnostic sources as wise, mysterious, and in the possession of the healing power of Eros.
Looking into esoteric traditions that celebrated the Goddess and her art of sexual alchemy, Dr. Joanna Kujawa sets out on a detective journey to answer these questions. She discovers that Mary Magdalene stands at the center of this investigation. Learn about her portrayal in the gnostic gospels as a teacher in her own right and Jesus' intimate partner, the possibility of her life as an alchemist in Egypt, and her last years in Southern France. Find out if Mary Magdalene was the same person as Mary the Prophetess of Egypt and her connection to the mysterious Cathars, Black Madonnas, and Knights Templar.
Whether looking at Mary Magdalene, Sophia, Aphrodite, Inanna, Hathor, Isis, or the goddesses of esoteric Hinduism, Dr. Kujawa finds the archetype of The Other Goddess-the bearer of the mysteries of sexual alchemy that ends the division between sexuality and spirituality.


Dr Joanna Kujawa is an author, scholar and spiritual detective. She received her BA and MA from the Pontifical Institute for Medieval Studies at the University of Toronto, Canada, and her PhD from Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. As an active academic for over 20 years, she uses her scholarly training to investigate topics other academics often pass over, such as: Can spirituality and sexuality be experienced as one? Who was the real Mary Magdalene? Is there a lineage of Goddesses now resurfacing in our collective experience of spirituality? Apart from her writings for academic publications on spiritual travel, Joanna has also had her short stories and essays published through various media and in many prestigious anthologies, including Best Australian Stories, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, She Rises and Rebelle Society. She is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Goddess Studies.

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