Joe Moore

Santa's World, Introducing Santa's Elf Series

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 6 bis 8 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1732378282
EAN 9781732378285
Veröffentlicht Juni 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Joe Moore
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Santa's World, Introducing Santa's Elf Series
What if I told you Santa Claus needed a great deal of help all year? Almost every person has heard the stories and legends about his famous Christmas Eve journeys. But few know about his helpers and what they do all year long. Santa has a great many elves who make the things he accomplishes possible.
Santa, with the help of the North Pole, developed a series to teach young and old alike about some of his best elves. This series explains what they do at the North Pole through rhyme and beautiful illustrations. Beginning with this book, Santa's World, he talks about how it would be impossible to do his job without help.
More importantly, Santa's World explains the genuine reason why Santa brings gifts. It is because he wants to demonstrate God's love, and remind them of the greatest gift of all time. That is, and always has been, the real reason of Christmas.
The author also added a special message from Santa Claus about showing respect by saying please, thank you, and excuse me when interrupting or bumping into someone. Something all children should learn and practice everyday.
About Santa's Elf Series© by the author, Joe Moore:
Even as I was writing the first novel in the Santa Claus Trilogy, I envisioned an entire world at the top of the globe. I knew the most die-hard believer in Santa Claus would realize that this magical gift-giver would need assistance in achieving his task at Christmas.
So I began to think about who these helpers were, and what their responsibilities to Santa might be. Then I started writing. And to my surprise, as I wrote, the stories came out of me in rhyme! The cadence and beat of the verses were lyrical. As I spoke to others, including a good many teachers and librarians, they told me this was the easiest way for children to learn and that I should keep the verses coming.
I also heard from parents about their frustrations trying to instruct their children in the primary lessons of life; such as picking up after themselves, being polite, sharing, brushing their teeth, and so on. So I put a special message from Santa Claus at the end of each story about each of these lessons. Even complex problems like bullying, showing gratitude, and listening to elders gets addressed in these books. It never hurts to learn these lessons throughout the year.
I wrote nearly 20 books in this series, each focusing on a particular elf and their role to Santa. My wife and illustrator, Mary, is doing her best to get these magical tales drawn and into your child's hands. Since she works so hard fully illustrating every page and includes elements like shapes, colors, and even geography, it takes her a little while to complete each book. We have a half dozen released and more "in the works."
I have already heard about new traditions started during Christmas with my Santa Claus Trilogy and families. I am hoping that these will also become part of your celebrations.
Make Santa's Elf Series© a new tradition for your family and collect the entire series. The following is a list of the currently published books in the series:
Santa's World, Introducing Santa's Elf Series
Jamie Hardrock, Chief Mining Elf
Shelley Wrapitup, Master Design Elf
Keeney Eagleye, Naughty/Nice List Manager
Sarah Buttons, Master Dollmaker
Ford MacHarley, Master Wheelsmith


Fantasy, children's stories, suspense thrillers, Christian themes, family reads, folklore, all this, and more fall under author Joe Moore's purview.

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