John Rabe

The Good Man of Nanking

The Diaries of John Rabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 320 Seiten
ISBN 0307428680
EAN 9780307428684
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2007
Verlag/Hersteller Vintage
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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The Good Man of Nanking is a crucial document for understanding one of World War II's most horrific incidents of genocide, one which the Japanese have steadfastly refused to acknowledge. It is also the moving and awe-inspiring record of one man's conscience, courage, and generosity in the face of appalling human brutality.
Until the recent emergence of John Rabe's diaries, few people knew abouth the unassuming hero who has been called the Oskar Schindler of China. In Novemgber 1937, as Japanese troops overran the Chinese capital of Nanking and began a campaign of torture, rape, and murder against its citizens, one man-a German who had lived in China for thirty years and who was a loyal follower of Adolph Hitler-put himself at risk and in order to save the lives of 200,000 poor Chinese, 600 of whom he sheltered in his own home.


John Rabe was born in Hamburg in 1882. He lived in China from 1908 to 1938, where his last position was that of director of the Siemens office in Nanking. He died impoverished and unrecognized in Berlin in 1950. Dr. Erwin Wickert, noted scholar and German ambassador to China from 1976 to 1980, first met Rabe in 1936 in Nanking. He is the author of several books about East Asia, including the best-selling China Seen from the Inside. With 2 maps and 59 illustrations.
The translator, John E.Woods, lives in San Diego, California.

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