Kirk Alex

Hubba-Hubba Holiday (Edgar "Doc" Holiday, #2)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0939122936
EAN 9780939122936
Veröffentlicht August 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Tucumcari Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Hubba-Hubba Holiday: A Doc Holiday Private Investigator Mystery (Book 2)
Obsession, fame, murder.
Hollywood could destroy them all.
It's beating down with rain as Private Investigator Edgar "Doc" Holiday drives past the sprawling mansions of Beverly Hills to meet with renowned movie producer Francis Tracton. The star of his latest project is missing; an invaluable dog named Titus.
But when Doc reaches Tracton's illustrious property, he discovers something far more fitting for a horror film than real life: a dead body that's so severely disfigured it's no longer recognizable.
Not only must Doc piece together the case of the runaway hound, he must now immerse himself in the dizzying and deadly heights of Hollywood to learn what became of Tracton. Why would someone want to murder him?
The harder Doc searches for answers, the further he finds himself from the truth as a series of self-destructive, fame hungry suspects step out of the darkness and into the limelight.
Someone out there has blood on their hands and they'll do whatever it takes to make it to the top.
Even if that means killing anyone who gets in their way.
Hubba-Hubba Holiday is the second book in the heart-pounding Doc Holiday mystery series by the inimitable Kirk Alex. Perfect for crime thriller readers and fans of Jo Nesbo, Lee Child, Tana French, Sean Chercover and Derek Raymond.
"Kirk Alex gets right down to it. There's not a wasted word. If you don't know his work, you should." (Throwback & Backlash: Love Lust & Murder series) - Mark SaFranko, author of Lounge Lizard

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