L. Rodriguez

Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223667872
Veröffentlicht Mai 2024
Verlag/Hersteller L.Rodriguez
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
11,49 inkl. MwSt.
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The Short n Sweet 10 Step How to guide to help you get your mind, body, heart and soul together.


Growing up in a religious family in a small town in midwest USA, L.Rodriguez always sensed a calling to distant lands. She Joined the military early to became an Intelligence Analyst & Targeteer, medically retiring after 2 tours. Her final duty stations were USSOUTHCOM & GTMO. After leaving the USMC, she won a modeling contract & moved to Hollywood where she worked with some known names for a time. She suffered through diagnosed PTSD/ anxiety disorders. She loved her family yet, made decisions at times which didn't reflect this love. She found herself unable to control her emotions, fears, & nightmares. She sought to escape her anguish. After her mothers passing, which she felt blessed, yet painful to witness before her, she went through a dark night of the soul. Unable to mourn, she sought emotional support, yet found more torment. She knew she had the strength to pull herself out. She resumed studying her mentor Sri Arkarshana who said, "if you can look up, you can get up.". There are many other legends, who helped her out of the dark place. Yet during a group zoom call, she had an awakening when Sri said "why are you trying to blend in, when you were meant to stand out?". This physically shook her to her core as she tingled from toes upwards to her crown & weeped. From then on, she never looked back. She dropped old habbits instantly & began meditating. She was inspired to write this book & 3 others within 4 months. This is her 1st inspired published book & she credits Sri's encouragement. Part of the Marine still lives on in her, she uses her strength to empower & uplift the lives of others. Ms. Rodriguez has transformed her life, through divine connection & meditation. After studying & mastering many modalities, along with her natural divine gifts/signature, she became an hollistic trauma therapist, healing facilitator, mindset coach & some call her the "soul whisperer". She has traveled the world in humanitarian, educational, & vibrational pursuits. Her most humbling reward is helping people worldwide, rid themselves of trauma, depression & life threathening illnesses, while encouraging them to love themselves unconditionaly, sharing it throughout the universe. If you are ready for a shift in your life visit requitedlove.com to book a 1 on 1 consult. Infinite love and blessings.

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