Laila Cole

An Outlaw Rises - Book 1 (Desert Reapers MC, #5)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1533795363
EAN 9781533795366
Veröffentlicht April 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Supernova Erotica
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

He was mine. I was his. It was truly that simple. There were no games or manipulations. We trusted one another and that trust was forged by pain into something rock solid and unbreakable, and it would have to be given the legal escort service he was planning to open on the reservation. With Trent by my side and out of the dangerous, illegal businesses he was in I could look wide eyed and optimistic into the future. And in that vision he was holding me tight and I was lost in his arms, against his cut, forever and always, no matter what may come to pass.
Life for an outlaw isn't simple. It's hard. It's dangerous. It's complicated. Most importantly of all it's filled with sacrifices that regular, law abiding citizens can't even begin to fathom. I know I'd promised Jenny I could go straight and that was direction I'd taken the club in. What Jenny had to understand and what she didn't, was that just because I wanted things to be different didn't mean they would be, or even could be, though I was going to try, for her and for my men, our futures depended on it. And if I didn't lead the way no one else would.
Warning this 18K word story is for mature audiences only.
Desert Reapers Series Chronology
01. An Outlaw Torn - Book 1
02. An Outlaw Torn - Book 2
03. An Outlaw Torn - Book 3
04. An Outlaw Torn - Bundle
05. An Outlaw Rises - Book 1
06. An Outlaw Rises - Book 2
07. An Outlaw Rises - Book 3
08. An Outlaw Rises - Bundle
09. Coming Soon
10. Coming Soon
11. Coming Soon
12. Coming Soon


Hello everyone!
I am an author who loves strong, dominant men, and if they happen to be rich or ride in a motorcycle club, well, that's just an added bonus!
My stories are filled with suspense, intense situations, twists, and turns.
One year ago I left the suck of the finance industry to pursue my dream and my passion, which is turning my fantasies and dreams into novels. There are more stories bouncing around my head than I could tell in a lifetime, though I'm certainly going to try to tell them all!
As an added bonus. All of my stories exist in the same don't be surprised to see a cameo here and there. Don't forget to sign up for my mailing list for updates on new releases.
Laila Cole
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