Lenora Bain

Dark Winged Angel

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 0 bis 12 Jahre. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 32 Seiten
EAN 9798822942936
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Palmetto Publishing
7,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Dive into the lyrical and imagery-driven poetry of Lenora Bain in her newest release, Dark Winged Angel. Illustrated by Jon McClellan, the poetry book weaves fiction and rhyme together for an incredible narrative of dark and light.
"Resting easy, as the dark sky, Illuminated, by the moon, Reveals perfection, I hear a tune."
In Dark Winged Angel, author and poet Lenora Bain weaves a complex and beautiful tapestry of words that tell the story of a dark-winged angel that transforms into something wholly different as the poem reads on.
Readers of Dark Winged Angel will resonate with the resounding theme that everything is not always as it seems.
Dark Winged Angel is a great poetry read for elementary and junior high students. Brief, rhythmic, and illustrated with striking drawings, the poetry book evokes deeper meaning in every stanza. Lenora hopes that Dark Winged Angel teaches children to be aware of their surroundings and the people they are surrounded by.
Above all, she hopes the poetry book's message, to trust the Lord in everything, shines through.
Dark Winged Angel is a wonderful starter book for elementary students interested in more meaningful and evocative poetry. As such, teachers, counselors, and parents of 10- to 14-year-olds won't want to miss this anticipated release.


Lenora Bain is a lover of words and stories. Since elementary school, she's been inspired to write thanks to the many, many books she lost herself in. Amid the days she lost herself in pages grew a dream to become an author, and now, she's made her dream a reality.Lenora has an MA certificate and has taken several Creative Writing courses from different institutions. From Michigan, Lenora resides in a place she's thrilled to call home. She has a daughter and a granddaughter, with whom she enjoys spending much of her free time.

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