Mark Brandon Powell

Six Figure Author: Mentors (Awesome Authordom, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386500925
EAN 9781386500926
Veröffentlicht Mai 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Mark Powell
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
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Tired of trying to find a mentor to help you become an amazing author?
I will connect you with the best author-preneurs in the field. Books you can read to produce books and sales faster. Spend less time and money reading books that won't help, or programs that are scams or make you do scam-y things. I've spent over half a decade and thousands of dollars finding mentors to help make me successful. I can now share that information so you can save your time and money.
-Find people willing to help you become awesome
-Learn where you can find mentors who can take you to the next level
-get a bonus list of websites to help you along your writing path
Click Buy Now to find the people you need to take your author career by the horns.


My whole life I had a large imagination. When I played, with my Legos or running around outside with my friends, it wasn't just playing. I was in a different place, I was making worlds. I would dream up stories and settings, where I would normally be the lead, or at least be looking through their eyes. Playing video games was a normalcy for the escape into some uncharted and untold world where adventure awaited, which fueled my own creations.
Insomnia had been a problem for me most of my life. This was another area that I was able to fill the space with waking dreams, praying that I would be able to get to sleep. It wasn't till I met my wife in July 2011 that I really started to contemplate what I wanted to do with my life. She was able to show me how happy I could be, just by coming into my life. So I figured that I could, and should, do that for my professional life.
I started to read more books. I had been a visual entertainment consumer for much of my life, even though most of my gaming consisted of role playing games, of a heavily text base nature. Not having the visual feedback was a different feel. I liked it.
It wasn't until after reading a few self-help books that I started contemplating what made me happy and what how I might be able to turn that into a career. In August of 2012 I had a long conversation with my wife, who was supportive of the idea, and I started to write.
Cypher Theorem: The Zero Class was finished and self-published on October 5th of 2013. From there it's all history.
Twitter: @MbrandonPowell
Facebook: MarkBrandonPowell
Goodreads: MarkBrandonPowell

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