Mark Stengler

The Holistic Guide to Gut Health

Discover the Truth About Leaky Gut, Balancing Your Microbiome, and Restoring Whole-Body Health. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 257 Seiten
ISBN 1401975119
EAN 9781401975111
Veröffentlicht April 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Hay House Inc.
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
15,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

A comprehensive yet accessible approach to healing leaky gut and the many uncomfortable symptoms it causes. Whole-body health can be restored with Dr. Stengler's integrative program, which includes prebiotic and probiotic recipes.
Here's the truth: the health of your gut (including your microbiome) affects the health of all organs in the body. Your gut is also the epicenter of your immune system, so supporting it is crucial if you want more resiliency to infection or to be less prone to autoimmune disorders-or even cancer. The Holistic Guide to Gut Health dives into the gut-body connection so you can discover the true cause of many of your health issues-including leaky gut-and how to resolve them through scientific and clinically proven holistic methods.
Whether you're concerned about a specific condition or overall health, this book offers recommendations for nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle habits as well as gut-healing recipes to support your goals. You'll also get Dr. Stengler's successful healing protocols for many common digestive issues such as acid reflux (GERD), candida overgrowth, IBS and IBD, and SIBO; and even non-digestive issues such as allergies and asthma, anxiety, depression, diabetes, fatigue, insomnia, joint pain and osteoarthritis, menopause systems, and PMS. The Holistic Guide to Gut Health arms you with all you need to make the right choices for you on your gut-healing journey.


Dr. Stengler is a naturopathic medical doctor who has been in private practice for more than 26 years. He is the author/co-author of more than 20 books, including the bestselling Prescription for Natural Cures, Outside the Box Cancer Therapies, and Healing the Prostate. He is the co-host of Sirius Radio's show Forever Young. Visit him at

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