Matthew Howard

Meteor Mags: The Battle of Vesta 4 and Other Tales

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0463656733
EAN 9780463656730
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Matthew Howard
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Four Action-Packed Stories Full of Anarchy, Asteroids, and Excessive Ammunition Continue The Adventures of Meteor Mags and Patches! Hoist the Jolly Roger and Get Ready to Rock!
Rings of Ceres: A hell-raising space pirate and her indestructible calico cat return to a decimated asteroid civilization to rescue friends and kick ass, but they get caught up in violent riots between the desperate citizens of Ceres and the mercenary security forces guarding the mining corporations.
Jam Room: Meteor Mags leads a jam session with the teenagers who want to start a punk band called Dumpster Kittens!
The Battle of Vesta 4: Meteor Mags and her fun-loving crew throw the birthday party of a lifetime—until death rains down from the sky! Mosh at the rock'n'roll party of the century as the Psycho 78s record their new album! Flee in terror as Club Assteroid falls under the dragons' assault from space! Discover the underground caverns of Vesta and join the resistance! Take one last hell ride aboard the Queen Anne before it all goes up in flame! Strap on your battle armor and get ready for the most brutal, barbaric, blood-soaked fight of your life: the Battle of Vesta 4!
Hunted to Extinction: Meteor Mags and Patches undertake one last hunt to exterminate the space lizards from our solar system. Their journey reveals the fate of Tarzi's parents, a tragedy that connects our criminal crew to a powerful potential ally. Plus, Mags gets a new ship, and it's got even more kick-ass stolen technology to help her plunder the System! Her club might have been destroyed, but Meteor Mags and her friends will never accept defeat so long as they live.
May not be suitable for children or carbon-based life.


Matthew is a mammalian vertebrate who occupies spacetime, where he possesses mass and generates electromagnetic fields. He absorbs and reflects photons, and is currently recycling his own body weight in adenosine triphosphate every day.

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