Miya Martin

Hoshi no houseki - Star Jewel Vol. 1

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1393219543
EAN 9781393219545
Veröffentlicht Mai 2020
Verlag/Hersteller MardukCorp
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,99 inkl. MwSt.
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When Jun Tanaka arrives for his first day at Maruimachi High, he notices that the girl sitting next to him is really cute - and has fox ears and tails?! Not only that, but he's the only one who can see them!
The foxgirl, Riko Kyuumi, confesses to Jun she can't remember her past, and asks for his help to find her memories. Along with Riko's friends Yuuji and Aoi, the four team up to form the Fox Goddess Investigation Club.
Will they solve the mystery of the fox goddess? Or will someone - or something - stand in their way...?
Based on the popular learning app "kawaiiNihongo," which helps people to learn Japanese, you can follow Riko, Jun, Aoi and Yuuji through their adventures in Maruimachi. Written by Miya Martin and brought to life with illustrations by Rosuuri!


Miya Martin has worked with us since the beginning of kawaiiNihongo and is responsible for everything that happens in Riko's world. She has written for video games and other fiction projects, and when she's not writing, she also enjoys voice acting. Miya has a degree in East Asian Languages and Cultures and speaks fluent Japanese.

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