Patricia Laurent

Santiago's Way

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 140 Seiten
ISBN 0720617065
EAN 9780720617061
Veröffentlicht Januar 2014
Verlag/Hersteller Peter Owen Publishers
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Imagine that all your life you ve been guided by someone else. Someone who s steered you away from trouble, taken you across the world, brought you success. He s called Santiago and he lives in your head. And now he s turned against you . . . The unnamed narrator of this début novel blunders through life, never quite getting things right until the arrival of Santiago, a male presence who appears in her mind when she's fourteen. Thanks to Santiago, the naive innocence that has led her into trouble so many times is gone, replaced by a street-smart wisdom that makes her attractive and successful, with a ruthless streak that gets her out of sticky situations time and time again. But as time goes by, Santiago s good advice becomes increasingly paranoid. From his operations room inside the narrator s mind he tortures her with old photos maps and videos: the story of everything that has ever gone wrong in her life. He causes fits and hallucinations, anything to get his way. Suddenly Santiago is dangerous and will stop at nothing to be in control. A huge hit in Mexico, Santiago s Way draws on both magic realism and the surreal tradition of Cortázar to tell an exhilarating story that should catapult Patricia Laurent to the front rank of international writers.

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