Pepper McGraw

Guardians of the Veil (Stories of the Veil, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798215697177
Veröffentlicht September 2022
Verlag/Hersteller PMG Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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To be a Guardian of the Veil is to live in the hearts of the Fae forever.
Kalina and Thorne have served the Fae for centuries as Guardians of the Veil. As with all Guardians, their service will end in sacrifice to maintain the Veil that shields the Fae from the mortal world.
Fate, however, has other plans in store, not just for Kalina and Thorne, but for all of the Fae. These two were never supposed to meet, but when they do, even centuries of tradition cannot deny the siren call of their mating bond.
A bond that may just change the fate of the Fae forever.
NOTE: This story was previously published in the multi-author anthology, Midnight Magic.


Pepper McGraw is a USA Today Bestselling Author of paranormal romance. Her life to date has sadly been paranormal-free, but she knows it's simply a matter of time before her fated mate finally appears. Until that glorious day arrives, she keeps herself busy writing (and reading) paranormal romances.
Pepper is a huge fan of all animals, but is especially fond of cats, and spends her free time volunteering at local shelters and for Trap-Neuter-Release programs. She's had the supreme honor of winning occasional head butts and meows from the local ferals in her neighborhood and has even convinced a few to come inside and adopt her as their own.
Pepper can be followed on social media @peppermcgraw.

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