R. Harlan Smith

Prott's Ditch

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1507008988
EAN 9781507008980
Veröffentlicht März 2015
Verlag/Hersteller R. Harlan Smith
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,99 inkl. MwSt.
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All Conrad Daniels wanted was to leave his killing life behind and farm with his family. But time catches up with a man, like Lenore from his past, his reputation as a gunfighter, and the horrors of Antietem Creek catching up with him. Now there's a female bounty-hunter who wants to kill him, and she's already tried once.
Did Lenore O'Slattery want a man, or a husband? Conrad Daniels denied he was a gunfighter, Antietem was hounding him, and Michelle Dulac carried a Shaps rifle. Gunfighter or farmer, it's going to be a busy season for Conrad Daniels.


I write, for the most part, in the paranormal genre. Ordinary people with extraordinary abilities make for more interesting, character driven stories that have greater appeal than plot driven stories.
My settings are usually in and around Gary, Indiana where I attended Lew Wallace high school, and lived the better part of my younger years through the 50's. My tendency to overdo descriptive passages comes from my fondness for the suburban areas south of Glen Park, the southern most part of Gary. The years I spent in Los Angeles also contribute to my settings.
My characters are modeled after people I have known, and are rarely simply contrived, so everything I write is somewhat autobiographical by virtue of the setting and my relationships with the actual characters.
My interest in the paranormal arises from my own personal experiences which led to researching them and finding some explanation for them from authors such as Carlos Castaneda and Jane Roberts, as well as my education (BA Behavioral Sciences).
I will tell you truths you won't believe and fictions you'll embrace like the gospel, but I won't tell you which is which.

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