Remy Morgeson

Chronicles of the Bear: Volume II

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224106592
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Remy Morgeson
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
3,99 inkl. MwSt.
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The black army was sent to crush the people of the north. Their dark master was determined to wipe any trace of them from the world to avoid his own end. But the death they brought would prove to be their own undoing. One lone Northerner was left with but a single thing, the thought vengeance burning in his mind.
Asbjorn returns after surviving the destruction of his home. General Zantz is dead, but his vile master remains. What will he put in Asbjorn's path next, and how will the Son of the Bear overcome the enemies that have been charged with taking his head no matter the cost?
Continue with what began in Chronicles of the Bear: Volume I and discover a sword and sorcery tale of adventure and peril. Enter a time of dark magic and grim bloodshed, when one man stood against the darkness to send it fleeing from his path.


Remy Morgeson began his writing journey in 2016 determined to take on the world of sword and sorcery head on. A longtime lover of fantasy and pulp fiction, Remy found his inspiration in the fantastic settings and larger than life characters he's shared adventures with over the years. His influences include authors such as Robert E. Howard, John Jakes, Michael Moorcock, and Fritz Lieber, as well as a handful of other talented individuals too numerous to name here. He is a self-published author with his debut series, Chronicles of the Bear, being released in February of 2021, with his first novel, The Wreck of the Tiger, following later in the year.

In addition to writing sword and sorcery and dark fantasy, Remy enjoys a variety of other interests, including vintage RPGs, retro video games, weight training, and binging the occasional anime or two. He currently resides in Danville, Illinois with his wife and daughter, whom nothing would be possible for him without.

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