Richard Foreman

Brain Training: The Ultimate Guide to Increase Your Brain Power and Improving Your Memory (Brain Exercise, Concentration, Neuroplasticity, Mental Clarity, Brain Plasticity)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1386301086
EAN 9781386301080
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2017
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Over the last two thousand years, our understanding of how the human body works, why it works and how to fix it when it stops working has come a long way. Much of this understanding has come on in great leaps in the last hundred or so years. Medical science and the more recent branches of medicine, like psychology, have all contributed to a whole new understanding of how our bodies work and the way in which our internal organs function. Until recently, however, one organ and its functions remained elusive; the brain.
Whether your brain can be repaired or not really depends on the scientific stance that you take. However, there is more and more evidence that mental and physical stimulation can result in better memory, concentration and speed at completing tasks. That means that there is every reason to keep your brain active by training it in different ways.
As humans, we've used these amazing "super-computers" to get us to the moon and beyond but back here on earth just how those organs functioned was not fully understood. Advances in scanning technology have begun to change all that, although it's still very early days as far as understanding the complexities of the human brain go. One surprising find in recent years has been the discovery of a new concept known as "neuroplasticity" - in layman's terms the plastic nature of the brain!

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