Abolitionism: A Very Short Introduction - Richard S. Newman

Richard S. Newman

Abolitionism: A Very Short Introduction

10 halftone images. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 4.
pdf eBook , 144 Seiten
ISBN 019021323X
EAN 9780190213237
Veröffentlicht Juli 2018
Verlag/Hersteller Oxford University Press

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From early slave rebels to radical reformers of the Civil War era and beyond, the struggle to end slavery was a diverse, dynamic, and ramifying social movement. In this succinct narrative, Richard S. Newman examines the key people, themes, and ideas that animated abolitionism in the eighteenth- and nineteenth-centuries in the United States and internationally. Filled with portraits of key abolitionists - including Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, Anthony Benezet, Toussaint L'Ouverture, Elizabeth Heyrick, Richard Allen, and Angelina Grimk? - the book highlights abolitionists' focus on social and political action. From the Underground Railroad and legal aid for oppressed people to legislative lobbying and military service, abolitionists employed every conceivable means to attack slavery and racial injustice. Their collective struggles helped bring down slavery - the most powerful economic and political institution of the age - across the Atlantic world and inspired generations of reformers.
Sharply written and highly readable, Abolitionism: A Very Short Introduction offers an inspiring portrait of the men and women who dedicated their lives to fighting racial oppression.
ABOUT THE SERIES: The Very Short Introductions series from Oxford University Press contains hundreds of titles in almost every subject area. These pocket-sized books are the perfect way to get ahead in a new subject quickly. Our expert authors combine facts, analysis, perspective, new ideas, and enthusiasm to make interesting and challenging topics highly readable.


Richard S. Newman is Professor of History at the Rochester Institute of Technology His books include The Transformation of American Abolitionism and Freedom's Prophet: Bishop Richard Allen, the Black Founding Fathers, and the AME Church. He is the former director of the Library Company of Philadelphia.


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