Robert A Webster, Captain Bob Pipinich, Robert Clark

Diabetes type 2 - Help Safely Lower Your Blood Sugar with Moringa, The Tree of Life. Reverse Diabetes

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1524214639
EAN 9781524214630
Veröffentlicht Februar 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Robert A Webster
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Written by Diabetics; for Diabetics.
Diabetes is now a prevalent condition that affects millions of people. Many of you will have, or most of you will know, someone who has it.
This book has been written by a collaboration of medically trained diabetics - not by Medical Practitioners, PhD professors or salespeople. - They are people who until recently struggled to control diabetes with diet, exercise and high levels of glycemic drugs alone. After learning about products made from the Moringa tree, they were able to dramatically lower their blood glucose levels within weeks and continue to do so. They did their research thoroughly and found the pods and leaves of this unique tree dramatically lowered their blood glucose levels quickly, and that continues to be the case. They now want to share their knowledge and extensive research in a simple to understand way, so you too can also benefit from their experience.
This book is not about a miracle cure, and the information provided does not claim to be an alternative to diet, exercise, glycemic drugs or for you to ignore your Medical Practitioner's advice. It is an aid, a supplement, which, when combined with the other factors along with your Practitioners supervision, can safely reduce your blood sugar levels, and benefit your health in many other ways. In these pages you will find genuine factual accounts and testimonials.
This book will explain a little about diabetes and ways in which the properties of Moringa can help you. It also contains fun recipes and advice on its uses. Diabetics who are struggling with their condition will find this publication invaluable, as will anyone who just wants to learn about a natural product that promotes health and assists to combat other conditions when modern medicine needs help from mother nature


Robert A. Webster is a multi-genre author based in Sihanoukville, Cambodia. Originally from Cleethorpes, UK, he embodies both hearty wit and adventurous vigor, making his prose insanely memorable and incessantly enjoyable. His unique brand of snarky humour and imaginative storytelling breathe vivid life into his work, which combines comical British characters with exotic Southeast Asian settings. The result is "brilliant" and "unpredictable," as Dinorah Blackman of Readers' Favorite says.
His first novel Siam Storm received rave reviews in the expat community in southeast Asia. Its sequels, Chalice and Bimat, were similarly acclaimed. Protector, the fourth book of the Siam Storm series, continues the journey of the lovable scallywags who have a penchant for mischief. The books document high-octane escapades and colourful, fantastical narratives that don't stop.
His other hilarious novels include Fossils and Spice, and his journey into the Paranormal genre with PATH and Next makes him an adaptable imaginative writer.
When he's not crafting unforgettable stories, he enjoys snorkelling, self-deprecating humour, and the warm climate of Cambodia.

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