Logo Design Workbook - Sean Adams, Noreen Morioka

Sean Adams, Noreen Morioka

Logo Design Workbook

A Hands-On Guide to Creating Logos. WEB PDF. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 24.
pdf eBook , 240 Seiten
ISBN 1616736348
EAN 9781616736347
Veröffentlicht März 2006
Verlag/Hersteller Rockport Publishers
25,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Logo Design Workbook focuses on creating powerful logo designs and answers the question, "What makes a logo work?"
In the first half of this book, authors Sean Adams and Noreen Morioka walk readers step-by-step through the entire logo-development process. Topics include developing a concept that communicates the right message and is appropriate for both the client and the market; defining how the client's long-term goals might affect the look and needs of the mark; choosing colors and typefaces; avoiding common mistakes; and deciphering why some logos are successful whereas others are not.
The second half of the book comprises in-depth case studies on logos designed for various industries. Each case study explores the design brief, the relationship with the client, the time frame, and the results.


Sean Adams is the Executive Director of the Graphic Design Graduate Program at ArtCenter, founder of Burning Settlers Cabin studio, and on-screen author for lynda.com/Linked In. He is the only two term AIGA national president in AIGA's 100-year history. In 2014, Adams was awarded the AIGA Medal, the highest honor in the profession. He is an AIGA Fellow and an Aspen Design Fellow. He has been recognized by every major competition and publication including; How, Print, Step, Communication Arts, Graphis, AIGA, The Type Directors Club, The British Art Director's Club, and the Art Director's Club. Adams has been exhibited often, including a solo exhibition at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. Adams is an author of multiple magazine columns and several best-selling books. He has been cited as one of the 40 most important people shaping design internationally, and one of the top 10 influential designers in the United States. Previously, Adams was a founding partner at AdamsMorioka. His clients have included the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Disney, Mohawk Fine Papers, the Metropolitan Opera, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, Richard Meier & Partners, Sundance, and the University of Southern California.


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