Simon Royle

Bangkok Burn (Bangkok Series, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1497726344
EAN 9781497726345
Veröffentlicht Januar 2012
Verlag/Hersteller I & I Press
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,00 inkl. MwSt.
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12 May 2010
A war is taking place on the streets of Bangkok as political cliques fire bullets and rockets at each other.
Mysterious 'Men in Black' snipe combatants from both sides.
It is a good time to settle old scores.
Take a walk on the darkside with Chance. An enigma: family-orientated, loyal and loving... and a cold-blooded killer.... This chilling, high-octane thriller takes you to parts of Bangkok no tourist should ever go, a world where life is cheap and morality non-existent.


Simon Royle was born in Manchester, England in 1963. He has been variously a loader of trucks, garbage-man, yachtsman, door-to-door salesman, advertising executive, and a senior executive in technology companies.
He lives in Nonthaburi with his wife, two children, and a feisty Chihuahua, called Yuri.
Simon's first three novels Tag, Bangkok Burn, and Bangkok Wet, have all been well received by Amazon readers.
Tag is a technothriller set in the year 2109. What readers have called,
"more futuristic than science-fiction, and the technological advances of 2110 are not far-fetched, they are easily imaginable."
" "Tag." The technology felt like a logical evolution from today to one hundred years into the future."
The Bangkok Series, starts with a bang, literally...
Bangkok Burn - a noir thriller, set during the May 2010 riots in Bangkok, has proved a hit with readers.
"A red-hot thriller set against the exotic backdrop of Bangkok, this is a blistering read from start to finish."
"I loved this book from beginning to end, it kept me hooked and on the edge of my seat the whole way through. I can't wait for the sequel." (Author's note: "I'm working on it...")
The sequel to 'Bangkok Burn' is out!
Bangkok Wet, continues the lives of the Paknam mafia family... and it too has proven a hit with readers....
"Action lovers will find it here! The exotic setting, occasional glimpses into Thai culture add color to the plot and help to make it an interesting and engaging read."
"I totally enjoyed it and wish that the next in the series was out already." (Author's note: I'm working on it....)
I love to connect with you. Got a question, something to say, or just want to say hello, then send me an email:
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I also have a twitter feed (where I infrequently tweet) @sgroyle

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