Siobhan Wallace, Alexandra Penfold

New York a la Cart

Recipes and Stories from the Big Apple's Best Food Trucks. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 0762448245
EAN 9780762448241
Veröffentlicht April 2013
Verlag/Hersteller Running Press Adult
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Divided into neighborhood sections (Uptown, Midtown, Downtown, the Boroughs, etc.) New York a la Cart will spotlight the best of the Big Apple's cart cuisine, profiling 50 vendors and including their most popular recipes. There are terrific "only in New York" stories here: the IBM exec who quit his six-figure job to flip Belgian waffles, the banquet hall chef who followed his dreams from Bangladesh to 46th Street, the second generation souvlaki masters carrying on their family traditions, among many others. With full-color photos that capture the local color as well as the delicious food, New York a la Cart is a celebration of the food-cart scene -- but most importantly, offers more than 60 recipes so that readers can make their favorite street food at home.


Siobhan Wallace and Alexandra Penfold write the blog BlondieandBrownie, which has received almost one million visitors since its launch in 2009. Their stories and photos from the blog are regularly picked up by Serious Eats, Eater, and Grub Street. Siobhan and Alexandra also serve as editors for MidtownLunch, a website focused on finding the best lunches in NYC for under ten dollars. They have appeared on the Cooking Channel's Eat Street as food-truck experts, and (of course) live in New York City.

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