Sreekumar V T

Stay Safe, Stay Strong: A Guide to Personal Safety and Self-Defence Techniques

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224196548
Veröffentlicht Februar 2024
Verlag/Hersteller SREEKUMAR V T
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
4,99 inkl. MwSt.
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In an increasingly uncertain world, personal safety and self-defence have become more than just skills; they're essential aspects of everyday life. "Stay Safe, Stay Strong: A Guide to Personal Safety and Self-Defence Techniques" is a comprehensive handbook designed to empower individuals with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to protect themselves and their loved ones in any situation.
This indispensable guide covers a wide range of topics, from understanding personal safety and assessing potential threats to practical self-defence techniques and strategies for navigating dangerous situations. Written by experts in the field of personal safety and self-defence, this book provides actionable advice and proven techniques for staying safe and confident in a variety of environments, including streets, public spaces, and the home.
Readers will learn how to:
Develop situational awareness and recognize potential threats before they escalate
Build a foundation of physical fitness and self-defence skills to enhance personal safety
Use verbal de-escalation techniques to diffuse confrontations and avoid violence
Set effective boundaries and assertively communicate their needs and preferences
Read body language and signs of danger to stay one step ahead of potential threats
Implement practical self-defence techniques, including strikes, blocks, and ground defence
Choose and use weapons and tools for self-defence responsibly and effectively
Develop psychological resilience to overcome fear and trauma and emerge stronger and more resilient than before.
With practical tips, real-life scenarios, and step-by-step instructions, "Stay Safe, Stay Strong" is the ultimate guide to personal safety and self-defence for anyone looking to enhance their security and protect themselves in today's uncertain world. Whether you're a seasoned self-defence practitioner or a complete beginner, this book will empower you to stay safe, stay strong, and navigate life with confidence and resilience.


Sreekumar V T was born in Kerala, India.He graduated from the University of Kerala. He is the author of many books . He lives at Varkala, Kerala.

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