Steve Vernon

Uncle Bob's Red Flannel Bible Camp - The Book of Genesis

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 153378678X
EAN 9781533786784
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2016
Verlag/Hersteller Stark Raven Publishing
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Here it is.
The whole entire story of the Book of Genesis as told to you by the world's oldest storyteller, Uncle Bob.
(Note: if you have ALREADY read Uncle Bob's Red Flannel Bible Camp: From Eden to the Ark, you have ALREADY read part of this novel)
If you think you KNOW the truth behind the Bible Stories you REALLY ought to pick up a copy of this book.
This isn't exactly a solemn retelling of the Bible. In fact, I guarantee a giggle or two along the way. The fact is this is the story of the Book of Genesis as retold by a country gentleman who read the Bible a couple of times and is doing his level best to retell it in his own words.
Means he takes some liberties with the Gospel.
Or - in the words of Uncle Bob - this here is mostly the truth with only a few lies stirred into the broth for pepper.
Don't say I did not warn you!
"Armed with a bizarre sense of humor, a huge amount of originality, a flair for taking risks and a strong grasp of characterization - Steve's got the chops for sure." - Dark Discoveries


Steve Vernon is a storyteller. The man was born with a campfire burning at his feet. The word "boring" does not exist in this man's vocabulary - unless he's maybe talking about termites or ice augers.
That's all that Steve Vernon will say about himself - on account of Steve Vernon abso-freaking HATES talking about himself in the third person.
But I'll tell you what.
If you LIKED the book that you just read drop me a Tweet on Twitter - @StephenVernon - and yes, old farts like me know how to twitter - and throw in a link to the Kobo version - and I'd be truly grateful.
Reviews are ALWAYS appreciated - but I know that not all of you folks are into writing big long funky old reviews - so shout the book out just any way that you can - because I can use ALL the help I can get.

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