Technology, Culture and Competitiveness -

Technology, Culture and Competitiveness

Change and the World Political Economy. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 3.
pdf eBook , 272 Seiten
ISBN 1134765630
EAN 9781134765638
Veröffentlicht Juni 2005
Verlag/Hersteller Taylor & Francis
24,49 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Technology, Culture and Competitiveness will be essential reading for all those who need to deal with the causes and consequences of rapid technological change in an increasingly globalized world.
The contributors discuss three related areas: how we think about technology and international relations and political economy; in what sense technology is a fundamental component of national competitive advantage and what it means for corporate and public policy; and what the relationship is between technological innovation and global and political economic change.
-- Places technology at the center of the debate on international relations
-- Critiques conventional approaches to the role of technology
-- First volume in a new series


Michael Talalay was Senior Research Fellow in International Political Economy at Nottingham Trent University and is now Principal Consultant in information technology with the Butler Group


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