Timothy M Bennett

A Journey of Unknown Skies

ebook Ausgabe. Empfohlen 13 bis 18 Jahre. 1. Auflage. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 452 Seiten
ISBN 1088042341
EAN 9781088042342
Veröffentlicht Mai 2024
Verlag/Hersteller T. M. Bennett

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It's been difficult for Jax to fit back into the normal pace of life since Tranto abandoned him. His other friendships fail to fill the barren place left in his mind where he had felt truly understood.
And then, what he had given up hope for happens. However, Jax finds an utter lack of everything he recognizes and a desolate wasteland swallowing him.
He soon learns that the stars cannot constrain him-but neither are they limits for others. Surrounded by people who could be friends or foes, Jax plunges into chaos and uncertainty.
But power, wielded with a malignant inconsideration for life, could be his undoing. Those he cannot trust could imprison him at any turn-if they don't kill him first.


T. M. Bennett began his passion for writing at a young age while his mother homeschooled him. He did not wish to write "boring" journal entries for school and asked whether he could write fictional stories. Approval was granted as long as the stories employed the required lexicon. Ever since, T. M. Bennett has maintained an active imagination and is usually up for trying things labeled adventurous. Much of his vivid imagination and unique outlook on life can be seen in his variety of Sci-fi, Fantasy, Science-fantasy and speculative works. When he's not pushing the creative limits of story, you will most likely find him exploring other creative endeavors.

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