Virginia Woolf


A book-length essay. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 192 Seiten
ISBN 8027236258
EAN 9788027236251
Veröffentlicht Dezember 2017
Verlag/Hersteller Musaicum Books
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Virginia Woolf's 'Three Guineas' is a groundbreaking feminist essay that challenges the notion of war and its impact on society. Through a series of letters, Woolf explores the root causes of war and offers a unique perspective on gender inequalities that contribute to conflict. The book is written in Woolf's signature stream-of-consciousness style, with thoughtful reflections on topics such as education, politics, and women's rights. Published in 1938 amidst growing tensions in Europe, 'Three Guineas' remains a poignant critique of the patriarchal systems that perpetuate violence. Virginia Woolf's keen intellect and sharp wit shine through in this powerful and thought-provoking work. As a pioneer of modernist literature and a prominent figure in the feminist movement, Woolf's personal experiences and observations lend depth to her analysis of gender roles and societal norms. 'Three Guineas' is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the intersection of literature, feminism, and politics, and offers valuable insights into the ongoing struggle for gender equality.

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