Walter Dean Myers, Bill Miles

The Harlem Hellfighters

When Pride Met Courage. Empfohlen 8 bis 12 Jahre. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 160 Seiten
ISBN 0061974994
EAN 9780061974991
Veröffentlicht Oktober 2009
Verlag/Hersteller HarperCollins
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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The story of the Harlem Hellfighters is not simply one
of victory in a war. . . . It is the story of men who
acted as men, and who gave a good account of
themselves when so many people thought,
even hoped, that they would fail.
What defines a true hero?
The "Harlem Hellfighters," the African American soldiers of the 369th Infantry Regiment of World War I, redefined heroism -- for America, and for the world. At a time of widespread bigotry and racism, these soldiers put their lives on the line in the name of democracy.
The Harlem Hellfighters: When Pride Met Courage is a portrait of bravery and honor. With compelling narrative and never-before-published photographs, Michael L. Printz Award winner Walter Dean Myers and renowned filmmaker Bill Miles deftly portray the true story of these unsung American heroes.


Walter Dean Myers was the New York Times bestselling author of Monster, the winner of the first Michael L. Printz Award; a former National Ambassador for Young People's Literature; and an inaugural NYC Literary Honoree. Myers received every single major award in the field of children's literature. He was the author of two Newbery Honor Books and six Coretta Scott King Awardees. He was the recipient of the Margaret A. Edwards Award for lifetime achievement in writing for young adults, a three-time National Book Award Finalist, as well as the first-ever recipient of the Coretta Scott King-Virginia Hamilton Award for Lifetime Achievement.

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