Wendy Kremer

Cottage in the Country

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798223591467
Veröffentlicht Februar 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Wendy Kremer
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
2,49 inkl. MwSt.
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Rose Cottage was beautiful, but it's now derelict, in a terrible state and falling apart. After her aunt's death Amy has inherited the cottage on the condition that she lives there for a while. Amy's relatives hope she will refuse the bequest so that they can then share its selling price among themselves. Amy has always loved the cottage and decides to keep it. She seeks the advice of a local architect, Ben, about what needs to be done to make it habitable. Amy immediately decides he will be the perfect person to organise the transformation. Ben gives in to Amy's persuasive pleas although he is very busy with other work. To save costs, Amy decides to move into the cottage straight away even though it is bound to be extremely uncomfortable during the rebuilding and renovation. Her cousin Marie loves to give Amy unwanted advice but she also wants to help, as long as she doesn't get her hands dirty and her nails chipped. Ben continues to support Amy's efforts and Amy is hoping he won't disappear from her life again when all the work is complete. Ben admires Amy's pluck and determination, but other women are also keen on Ben. Does he only admire Amy's tenacity, or does he feel something more than that? Despite some strange happenings during the renovation work, it looks like Amy will end up with the perfect home she dreams of. Will she live there alone and dwell on what might have been, if she could share it with the right person, or will fate have something else in store....?


Wendy was born in the Welsh Valleys in the UK, and is a loyal, steadfast, Welsh woman wherever she happens to be. She now lives in Europe, and also lived in Africa once - for five years. She's traveled widely and worked in the fields of teaching, translating and publishing. She is author of novellas, pocket novels, short stories, a hardback and serials. Her work has been published in the UK, Germany, Sweden and in Norway. She's married with two children and her hobbies include dancing, gardening, playing bowls, and learning French. Wendy loves hearing from any readers of any of her stories.

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