Will Stebbings

Richard - The Lying Art

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
EAN 9798224661565
Veröffentlicht März 2024
Verlag/Hersteller Will Stebbings
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Richard - The Lyin' Art
Richard Randall is unable to stop himself. He is a compulsive liar. When Wes Higginbottom encounters him and hears some of his lies, he takes an instant dislike to him. After all, why waste time waiting until you get to know someone better, when you can go for a full blown hatred immediately. However, Wes' judgement is soon fully justified as his annoying nemesis causes one upset after another. They both belong to a social group which organises regular events enabling members to meet up. These members are mostly divorced or widowed and seek group friendship rather than any romantic liaisons. That doesn't stop Wes from forming attachments to some of the female members but so does Randall and there is inevitable conflict.
The problem with continuously telling lies is, at some point, you might need someone to believe you - and they won't!
Also included in this book are four other short stories from the pen of Will Stebbings.


Will Stebbings is rapidly gaining critical acclaim for his insightful novels, encapsulating nostalgia for the sixties and seventies, whilst adding a fair smattering of humour. His first novel 'Off the Mark' received so many plaudits that he felt compelled to write 'Further Off the Mark' which continues the rites of passage for its main character, Mark Barker, who left an all-boys' school with no experience of girls or the adult world in general. 'Completely Off the Mark' is about Mark's further exploits in the early 1970s, while 'Mark's Out of Eleven' takes us back to 1960 and his days at an all boys' Grammar School, when educational institutions were as much about discipline as they were education.
'Tess of the Dormobiles' is a comedy thriller and is not part of the Mark Barker quadrilogy, being set firmly in the 21st century and featuring a female lead character.
Will's love of soul music features heavily in his work, where he often used sixties and seventies soul records as the chapter titles.
All of Will's novels are set predominately in Norfolk, which is where he was born and raised.

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