Beethoven - William Kinderman

William Kinderman


2. Auflage. 25 halftones, 5 line illus. ; 115 music examples. Sprache: Englisch. Dateigröße in MByte: 10.
pdf eBook
ISBN 0198043953
EAN 9780198043959
Veröffentlicht April 2009
Verlag/Hersteller Oxford University Press
36,99 inkl. MwSt.
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Combining musical insight with the most recent research, William Kinderman's Beethoven is both a richly drawn portrait of the man and a guide to his music. Kinderman traces the composer's intellectual and musical development from the early works written in Bonn to the Ninth Symphony and the late quartets, looking at compositions from different and original perspectives that show Beethoven's art as a union of sensuous and rational, of expression and structure. In analyses of individual pieces, Kinderman shows that the deepening of Beethoven's musical thought was a continuous process over decades of his life.
In this new updated edition, Kinderman gives more attention to the composer's early chamber music, his songs, his opera Fidelio, and to a number of often-neglected works of the composer's later years and fascinating projects left incomplete. A revised view emerges from this of Beethoven's aesthetics and the musical meaning of his works. Rather than the conventional image of a heroic and tormented figure, Kinderman provides a more complex, more fully rounded account of the composer. Although Beethoven's deafness and his other personal crises are addressed, together with this ever-increasing commitment to his art, so too are the lighter aspects of his personality: his humor, his love of puns, his great delight in juxtaposing the exalted and the commonplace.


William Kinderman is Professor of Musicology at the University of Illinois - Champaign-Urbana. His books include Beethoven's "Diabelli" Variations (OUP, 1987), ed., Beethoven's Compositional Process (Nebraska, 1991), Beethoven (OUP and California, 1995), ed., The Second Practice of Nineteenth-Century Tonality (Nebraska, 1996), Artaria 195: Beethoven's Sketchbook for the 'Missa solemnis' and the Piano Sonata in E Major, Opus 109 (Illinois, 3 vols., 2003), ed. (with Katherine Syer), A Companion to Wagner's "Parsifal" (Camden House, 2005), ed., The String Quartets of Beethoven (Illinois, 2006), and Mozart's Piano Music (OUP, 2006). He is also an accomplished pianist whose recordings have been met with global acclaim; his double CD of Beethoven's Diabelli Variations has appeared with Arietta Records.


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