Jack Crutchfield

The Anniversary

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook , 16 Seiten
ISBN 3956953363
EAN 9783956953361
Veröffentlicht Juni 2020
Verlag/Hersteller Berlinable GmbH
Familienlizenz Family Sharing
0,99 inkl. MwSt.
Sofort Lieferbar (Download)

Jack Crutchfield stuns once again in erotic tale with a charming vintage flair in which little by little darker undertones come to play. A true all-american story, The Anniversary combines the style of James Joyce and Stephen King - plus Crutchfield's unique sensual flair to create a phenomenal piece.
A couple goes away for her parents' marriage anniversary. Henry is preoccupied with plans of asking his long time girlfriend's hand in marriage, but his own insecurtieis and demons bubble at the surface, creating an intriguing erotic thriller that will linger within readers.


BERLINABLE is not simply a publisher, we are a community.
We create a network of people who are connected by their need to be free and explore their sexuality.
Our talented authors either write from experience or are pro connoisseurs of their writing topics.
This authenticity is what makes our books so special.
Jack Crutchfield's skill with words is one a million. He has the rare ability of painting mundane pictures with vivid dialogue that ring very real, and the same time that he constructs a complex subtext full of intricate emotions. He has a unique worldview which spills into his work, an erotic writer like you have never read before.

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