Regina Bogle

Chiron's Light (The Healing Light Series, #1)

ebook Ausgabe. Sprache: Englisch.
epub eBook
ISBN 1943190291
EAN 9781943190294
Veröffentlicht November 2021
Verlag/Hersteller Regina Bogle
Familienlizenz Family Sharing

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Human vulnerability-an experience that few wish to face but none can avoid. When encountered, the deeper questions involve how we will react and, ultimately, how we will respond. For the soulfully-driven individual, there are choices to make.
The ancients addressed such questions and choices through myth. For the Greeks, the story of Chiron embraced the concept of the Wounded Healer. His tale continues to offer guidance in our current times, as told in the story of Chiron's Light.
St. Raphael's Hospital, an inner-city health center for thousands of local residents, must tackle its serious financial dilemma: how to restore fiscal viability in a world of increasing health demands and expensive technological treatments. Its staff-particularly its hospice coordinator, Tara Lakelyn, and a newly hired internist, Alex Haskins-find themselves caught in the throes of their hospital's slow but certain death. The administrators of St. Raphael's have contracted with Peter Holmes, a financial consultant, hoping that his fresh perspective will offer new solutions. As the threads of their individual journeys interweave, they each discover a shared history, find love and healing on many levels, and envision a future of bright possibilities. How will St. Raphael's administration respond?
Chiron's Light bridges time and place as it both entertains the reader and invites deep reflection. Issues relating to how we live and how we die, how we love and how we heal, are addressed in very real human ways that elicit laughter, tears, insight, and wonder. If we but pause to notice, Chiron's light shines for us all.

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